When given orders to return home Vietnam veterans often experienced a kind of survivor’s guilt. Leaving friends while the war was still raging often forced vets to deal with mixed emotions.

“When you leave you feel bad because you’re leaving behind your brothers, you call them your brothers. You’re going home and they’re still there. And you want to know what happens to them.”

“I really felt somewhat guilty leaving my buddies. I became quite emotional knowing that I had left and they were still there thinking maybe in some way I could have helped.”

“I’m leaving these people behind. And what are they going to do without me and the new person is going to come replace me doesn’t know as much as I know. That sense of not failing the team is very important.”

“It’s really a great experience to leave. I mean it’s a big weight off your shoulders. But in one respect but in the other respect you kind of feel sadness for the guys that are still there. You know when’s their day to leave and will they make it back?”