What are your memories of the Vietnam war? How were you and your family affected? Share your story. Tell us about your experience.

What makes a compelling story?  How do you share your story? It’s all in the

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Visit Stories Wall

Veterans. Families. Protesters. Refugees. The Vietnam War left an indelible mark on millions of people. You have a story to tell. WITF invites you to share your photos, video, audio, and narrative as we gather the untold stories of the War on an interactive story wall.

The Story Wall is a part of WITF’s Vietnam War Stories, an initiative aimed at inspiring central Pennsylvanians to remember and share stories, recognize bravery, express their reasons for dissent, and foster understanding around the lasting impact of war.

The Vietnam War defined a generation. It changed the lives of people who fought in it and who fought against it. It’s time to remember, honor, and understand.

Questions? Call (717) 910-2841

(Monday-Friday, 8am – 5pm)

or email vietnam@witf.org