Dear Betty, Neil and family,

Plugging along as usual over here. Pretty soon I will have 4 months in – 1/2 there! Most days settle into a routine then once in awhile all sorts of activity. It is hard to say but seems to me that outposts in certain areas get hit quite often and other areas are relatively secure.

We are having out high water now and floods like the spring floods back home only in some areas or rice paddies, it is up to 16 feet deep. Flying over it is like flying over an endless lake.

We have been evacuating hamlets to higher ground. They say the water will crest sometime between now and 15 Oct then we are supposed to enter our dry season. We might get flooded here at the base but I doubt it.

Saw an article in the Pacific edition of US News and World Report. The hospital the doctor is talking about is the one we fly wounded to every day. I met Father Campbell several times. He is now gone I believe. If you would send the article on to Mom when you have read it, I know she would be interested in seeing it – as a nurse.

Well had better close – I bet you are all having beautiful football weather.
