Dear Neil and Betty and family,

I had better drop a line to you before you give me up for lost! Activity, at least around me, seems to have surged! For a while I was the only chopper advisor here (normally four) and it kept me running – flying advisory – paperwork – attending spur of the moment meetings – answering the Colonel’s questions! But now we are threefold so maybe I can go back to the good ol’ flying routine.

We, or rather the VNAF helicopter squadron here has supported the elections the past week. Picking up and distributing and collecting ballot boxes and voters throughout the area. We had one chopper go down Monday (VNAF). Pilot struck tail rotor on tree on take-off from one outpost – and instead of landing and getting help, he continued to next outpost and during his approach the tail rotor pylon, rotor, gearbox, and all separated from the helicopter and he crashed – of course. So the last couple of days I have been busy with recovery operations.

We had the Army come in the morning with a big helicopter “Chinook” and airlift ours back to the base. I brought back all the small parts in another H-34. Operation was smooth and successful and believe it or not, with a little luck and elbow grease, we will have the bird flying again. These Vietnamese are determined to give me some gray hairs!

My new boss arrived the day we lost the chopper – some welcome! Tomorrow I hope to give him some flight instruction. Always fun to instruct your boss!! You don’t know whether or not to say “Sir” to him when you yell at him!! Actually though most of the boys coming over here are experienced enough that not much instructing is needed.

I’m not much of an instructor anyway – I don’t always practice what I preach!!
