Dear Neil and Betty and family,

A lot of clipping and little writing this time! Special news items: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans stopped by for an afternoon and visited and sang a few songs. Mostly talked. They are a real fine couple, I was really impressed with them. Got a few pictures which I hope turn out. Have been getting some A-1G time on the side. It’s our (used to be a Navy bird) prop-type single engine fighter bomber. The A-1H is a single seater and the A-1G is a two seater side-by-side so I’m getting a combat check-out! Good thing I try to keep in shape cause we pull 5 + 6 G’s in a pull up from a strafing run! That makes your ol’ butt really feel heavy in the seat!

We carry anything up to 500 pounders and napalm and each wing has 20 mm cannons in it. Listen to me, I’m like a kid with a new toy!! But it is a little change from the Med Evacs with the chopper and the low slow Cessna Bird Dog. Of course it is all fun and a little exciting. All most all — I shouldn’t be saying all that but you have to keep your spirit up over here.

I have 5 months in almost. Pretty soon the holidays will be by and a new year starting. I see the Ol’ President gave us officers another tax break!! We sure have it rough don’t we!!

I have been spending a little less time at the bar lately – seems I either am getting old or that last one always gives me a headache in the morning! Won 8 bucks in a poker game last week and haven’t been invited to play since!! Poor sports!! Well Happy Thanksgiving, I will be thinking of you!

Love, Frank