I have 2 memories of the Viet Nam war to share. The first involves the nightly news. The screen would show a quadrant of 4 flags: South Vietnam, the US, North Vietnam, and the Viet Cong. And in front of each flag would be the reported number of deaths for that day…..as if it were a basketball score or something, rather than anything to do with human lives being lost! I thought it was at best distasteful.

The other memory comes from Harbold Hall and Millersville, on the days when they had the draft lottery. There was only one TV in the dorm, and it was seldom used. But on draft day, the place was packed. And you could always tell when someone’s number came up. If they were out of danger, there would be a small cheer….and if their number came up, there was silence. But someone would just get up and walk out of the room.

My number was 49, so I was destined to be called when my college deferment ran out.