I was sent to Vietnam in February 1969 and assigned to the 25th Infantry Division, 2nd/27th Infantry Regiment C Company on the 25th of February as a combat infantryman rifleman. Among other duties I carried the belts for the M60 Machine Gun out in the field.

Was wounded on March 15th, 1969, hit by two RPG’s (rocket propelled grenade). I was sent to Japan Army 106th General Hospital and on April 9th returned back to the states at Walson Hospital in Ft. Dix New Jersey.

On May 23rd was assigned to a basic training company at Ft. Dix and worked in battalion HQ. On October 30th arrived at Fort Indiantown Gap as a confinement specialist to finish my two year tour of duty. I received basic training at Ft. Dix N.J., AIT at Ft. Polk LA and Armored Personnel Carrier training at Ft. Knox Ky.

I now am receiving 60 per cent disability from the VA and have been receiving disability from the VA since 1971. My original award being 40%. I receive individual counseling for PTSD and survivor’s guilt at the VA Hospital in Lebanon, PA.

What I think is the important message is about the short time I spent in the field having a life time effect on me including the wounds and psychological damage. I will never be cured of the PTSD and the survivor’s guilt along with the nightmares and flashbacks. All one can do is learn how to manage those issues.

Such a short time in combat and yet I came out damaged, not as bad as many, but still damaged.