Dear Betty and Neil and family,

Gosh, I’ve been here two months already. Hope the next ten go by as quickly. Had a little different adventure today so thought I would drop you a line and tell you about it. On your map, you should be able to locate a coastal seaport called Nha Trang. It’s about 120 miles or so north east of Saigon right on the coast. Anyway, this morning our AFAT chief Colonel Irons took several of us up there in an A-1G (“Skyraider”, fighter that also carries passengers) to visit another AFAT team and sort of swap ideas and notes. Besides myself, representing helicopters, were 2 majors, one representing Political Warfare – one representing O-1 and U-17 light trainers for VNAF and two captains, representing Communications and Ground Training.

I don’t know how much good we did!! But I can now say I have seen what a beautiful Southeast Asian seaport looks like (French style). Honest, it is really a storybook picture type. It looks like a French or Spanish style seaport nestled in between some of the prettiest mountains I have seen and a bay formed by several small islands, on which are some big really magnificent palaces. I understand they once belonged to the Diem family – you remember Madame Nhu and her in-laws!!! Anyway it was a sight for sore Delta rice paddy type eyes when we came over the mountains and make our let down for landing. We circled out over the bay just to get a good look. Of course, I forgot my camera as usual. The beach is as nice as any I have been on on our west coast. The water is a deep green color (South China Sea) and of course beach scenery was fabulous – Southeast Asian girls in bikinis no less!! Much much different than nice paddy girls in silk pants and shower togs. I must spend some weekends up there!! A real nice outing – kind of nice of the old Colonel to look out for his young troops!! Did they do this in WWII for you Neil? Not all bad over here. Well anyway on consolation and that is I would rather fly in the Delta region where I am with a helicopter, than up there in the mountains and jungles. Coming across those mountains was even rough for the fighter that we were in. The air was rather rough to say the least.

Had better stop pushing the pencil.

Love, Frank